Job Description :
The main functions of a Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Analyst to ensure efficient identification and monitoring of suspicious activities and transaction in the Bank and ensure timeous reporting of suspicious transactions.

Job Responsibilities:
*Investigate activities of institutions to enforce laws and regulations and to ensure legality of transactions and operations.
*Prepare reports, exhibits and other supporting schedules that detail an institution''s safety and soundness, compliance with laws and regulations, and recommended solutions to questionable financial conditions.
*Recommend actions to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, or to protect solvency of institutions.
*Resolve problems concerning the overall financial integrity of banking institutions including loan investment portfolios, capital, earnings, and specific or large troubled accounts.
*Direct and participate in formal and informal meetings with bank directors, trustees, senior management, counsels, outside accountants and consultants to gather information and discuss findings.
*Review balance sheets, operating income and expense accounts, and loan documentation to confirm institution assets and liabilities.
*Review audit reports of internal and external auditors to monitor adequacy of scope of reports or to Client specific weaknesses in internal routines.
*Review and analyze new, proposed, or revised laws, regulations, policies, and procedures to interpret their meaning and determine their impact.
*Examine the minutes of meetings of directors, stockholders and committees to investigate the specific authority extended at various levels of management.
*Establish guidelines for procedures and policies that comply with new and revised regulations and direct their implementation.
*Evaluate data processing applications for institutions under examination to develop recommendations for coordinating existing systems with examination procedures.